Thursday, February 12, 2015

Office sex romp under investigation

Two people's jobs are on the line after being recorded having a late night sexual encounter inside their Christchurch office, right in front of a busy bar full of people.
The lights were on as the clothes came off at insurance company Marsh Ltd's offices, and the photos and videos have gone viral.
It was dark outside, but unfortunately for the two that made for even clearer viewing inside the still well-lit first-floor office.
The glass building is directly across the road from one of Christchurch's busiest pubs, the Carlton, and at midnight on Friday Alex Wilton took photos as pub patrons looked on.
"Everyone knew about it," says Mr Wilton. "The band that was playing at the time stopped because everyone else was more interested in watching them, and they finished up and had some wine. We all had a good laugh. It was the highlight of the night."